Raw, Cooked, or Dehydrated: How to Prepare Organ Meat For Dogs

Scott again with a great topic for dog owners like myself. Organ meats, also known as offal, are an important part of a nutritious homemade diet for dogs. Liver, kidneys, hearts, and other organs are packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients dogs need. But before tossing Fido a raw liver treat, it’s important to learn how to properly prepare organ meat for dogs. Should you feed it raw, cooked, or dehydrated? Let’s dig into the details!

Why Organ Meats are Important for Dogs 🥩

Organ meats provide dogs with nutrients not found in muscle meats or bones. For example:

  • Liver contains multivitamin, its loaded with vitamin A, B vitamins, copper, CoQ10, iron and many more. It supports eye health, reproduction, growth, brain function, heart health, and immunity. 👀
  • Kidneys comes with vitamin B12, selenium, folate zinc, and omega 3 fatty acids. They boost energy levels and oxygen transportation. 💪
  • Hearts are rich in CoQ10, carnitine, taurine, vitamins B & E, iron, zinc, copper, and more. This supports cardiovascular health, vision, reproduction, brain function, and muscle maintenance. ❤️
  • Other organs such as pancreas, spleen, lungs etc. offer their own unique nutritional benefits.

In the wild, wolves and feral dogs naturally consume the entire prey animal – meat, bones, and organs. As pet parents, we need to try to mimic this diverse diet. Organ meat for dogs should make up 5-10% of your dog’s overall diet. We discussed the amazing benefits of organ meat in a previous article, you can check it here.

Dog eating organ meat

Should You Feed Organ Meat for Dogs Raw or Cooked? 🥩 🍳

There are good arguments on both sides of the raw vs cooked debate when it comes to organ meat for dogs. Let’s compare the pros and cons of each method.

The Case for Raw Organ Meat for Dogs

Going raw allows your dog to reap the following benefits:

  • ✅ Preserves heat-sensitive nutrients like vitamin B1 and enzymes
  • ✅ No harmful compounds formed during cooking
  • ✅ Mimics ancestral canine diet
  • ✅ May improve digestibility
  • ✅ Provides natural probiotics

Many raw feeders swear by feeding raw liver, kidneys, hearts and more. Dogs’ digestive systems are designed to handle bacteria from raw meat. 🐶

However, raw organ meats do come with some risks:

  • ❌ Danger of pathogenic bacteria like Salmonella and E. coli
  • ❌ Must be handled properly to avoid cross-contamination
  • ❌ Not recommended for dogs with compromised immune systems
  • ❌ Some nutrients less bioavailable than cooked

So while moderately healthy dogs can likely handle limited amounts of raw organ meats safely, caution is advised. Always practice safe raw feeding guidelines. 👍

raw organ meat for dogs

The Case for Cooked Organ Meats for Dogs

Cooking organ meats prior to feeding eliminates concerns over harmful bacteria. Additional benefits include:

  • ✅ Kills any parasites, pathogens, or surface bacteria
  • ✅ Reduces risk of foodborne illness
  • ✅ Improves bioavailability of some nutrients
  • ✅ Recommended for dogs with weakened immunity

However, cooking can also:

  • ❌ Damage or destroy heat-sensitive vitamins, enzymes, etc.
  • ❌ Create harmful compounds like heterocyclic amines and advanced glycation end products
  • ❌ Alters protein structure which may reduce digestibility

So while cooking increases food safety, it can reduce nutrition if exposed to high temperatures for too long. The key is gentle cooking methods. 👨‍🍳

The Verdict?

There are perfectly valid reasons for feeding organ meats either raw or cooked. In many cases, the answer comes down to your individual dog’s health status and needs.

For young, healthy dogs, feeding raw in moderation offers convenience and mimics their ancestral diet. Gentle cooking methods work for dogs needing more digestibility or immune support. Work closely with your vet to decide what’s right for your pup! 🐕

Cooked Organ Meat for Dogs

How to Safely Handle Raw Organ Meat for Dogs

If feeding raw, it’s crucial to use proper food handling techniques to avoid illness. Here are some tips:

  • 🧊 Keep frozen until ready to use
  • 🧼 Clean surfaces, utensils, hands before and after handling
  • 🥩 Seal containers to prevent leaks or cross-contamination
  • 🗑 Dispose of packaging properly
  • 🍖 Defrost in fridge, not at room temp
  • 🐶 Wash bowls thoroughly after each meal
  • 🧪 Avoid feeding raw with kibble

Practice the same precautions you would with raw meat for human consumption. Dogs may have heartier digestive systems, but foodborne pathogens can still make them sick in large quantities. Take care when handling raw organ meats. 👍

Gentle Cooking Methods to Preserve Nutrition in Organ Meat for Dogs

Cooking organ meats at high temperatures for long periods can destroy vital nutrients and create harmful compounds. Here are some gentler cooking methods:

  • 🍳 Lightly sautéing in a pan with coconut oil or lard briefly preserves nutrients while killing bacteria. Cook just until browned but still a bit pink inside.
  • 🥣 Simmering or poaching in water, bone broth, or dash of milk at 180°F or below preserves more nutrients than aggressive boiling. Simmer organs for 20-40 minutes.
  • 🥘 Slow cooking/crockpot on low heat for 2-3 hours breaks down connective tissues in tougher meats while maintaining nutrients. Add organ meats to bone broth.
  • 🍗 Steaming above simmering water for 10-15 minutes cooks without added fats or oils. Retains moisture and heat-sensitive vitamins.
  • 🍖 Microwaving for short bursts of 30-60 seconds minimizes nutrient loss. Be cautious of creating hot spots.
  • 🥩 Pan broiling under low heat or indirect heat briefly cooks outside while keeping inside moist. Drizzle with avocado, olive, or coconut oil.

Get creative with your cooking methods! The less time spent cooking at high temperatures, the more nutrition is preserved. 👨‍🍳

Should You Feed Dehydrated Organ Meat to Dogs?

Dehydrating or freeze-drying organ meats is another option. Benefits of dehydrated organ meat include:

  • 🧊 Long shelf life at room temperature
  • ⚡ Lightweight and portable for travel or hiking
  • 🥣 Easy to rehydrate by adding warm water

The main disadvantage is that the high temperatures used in commercial dehydrators can degrade nutrients, especially vitamins. However, dehydrating does retain more nutrients than aggressive cooking methods. It offers convenience for dogs on the go. 🐕

When rehydrating, add bone broth instead of plain water to restore even more nutritional value. Look for “raw dehydrated” organ meats which are gently dried below 104°F.

Dehydrated Organ Meat to Dogs

Organ Meat Recipes Your Dog Will Love 🐶

Now let’s look at some simple recipes for serving up organ meat to your pup! Try offering organs 2-3 times a week.

Liver Brownies for Dogs 🍫

Your dog won’t be able to resist these savory, nutrient-packed treats!

  • 1 lb chicken livers 🧠
  • 1 cup almond or peanut flour
  • 3 eggs 🥚
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • Preheat the oven to 350°F. Lightly oil a baking pan.
  • In a food processor, beat livers and eggs until smooth.
  • Transfer it to a bowl and mix flour and coconut oil until mixed.
  • Spread evenly into pan. Bake it for 15-20 minutes till cooked through.
  • Cool completely before cutting into bite-sized treats! Put it in a refrigerator up to 1 week or freeze it up to 2 months.
dog eating liver brownie treat

Simple Simmered Organ Stew for Dogs 🍲

Alternate protein sources in this balanced bite-sized meal.

  • 1 lb mixed organ meat (liver, kidney, heart, gizzard etc)
  • 4 cups bone broth, beef broth or broth of choice
  • 1 cup mixed veggies (carrots, peas, green beans etc) 🥕
  • Chop organ meats and vegetables into bite-sized pieces.
  • In a medium pot, add broth and veggies. Bring to a boil over medium heat.
  • Add organ meats and simmer 20-30 minutes until fully cooked. 👨‍🍳
  • Let cool before portioning into meal-sized containers. Put it in a refrigerator up to 4 days or freeze it up to 2 months. Reheat before serving.
dog eating organ stew

Dehydrated Liver Chips for Dogs 🍟

Crunchy, nutritious snacks perfect for traveling or quick treats!

  • 1 lb beef, chicken, or pork liver 🧠
  • Coconut oil or olive oil
  • Thinly slice liver and place on dehydrator trays in a single layer.
  • Dehydrate 4-6 hours at 145°F until dried but still pliable.
  • Toss lightly in oil or broth to rehydrate then store in an airtight container up to 2 weeks.
dog eating dehydrated liver chips

Explore more recipes to find new ways to serve up organ meats to your dog! Just remember to introduce new proteins slowly and watch for signs of intolerance. 🐶

Organ Meat for Dogs Feeding FAQs ❓

Still have many questions about adding organ meat to your dog’s diet? Here are some answers to common questions:

How much organ meat should I feed my dog? 🐶

Organ meats should make up 5-10% of your dog’s total diet. Aim for approximately:

  • Small dogs: 0.5-1 oz organ meat daily
  • Medium dogs: 1-2 oz daily
  • Large/giant dogs: 2-4 oz daily

Divide into smaller portions served a few times a week. Adjust amounts based on your dog’s size, activity level, and caloric needs.

Which organ meats are best for dogs? 🥩

Liver and kidney are most common due to their nutritional density and easy access. Other excellent choices include heart, gizzard, spleen, brain, tripe, sweetbreads and more. When choosing organ meat for dogs, variety provides the biggest benefit!

How do I transition to feeding organ meat to dogs? 🍽

Start with small amounts like 1-2 teaspoons then gradually increase over 2-3 weeks as your dog adjusts. Watch for loose stool or vomiting as signs to slow transition.

Should I give my pup liver every day? 🐶

Liver is great in moderation but too much vitamin A can be toxic. Limit liver to once or twice a week. Rotate with other organ and muscle meats.

Can I freeze raw organ meat for dogs? 🥶

Yes! Freezing raw organ meats for 1-3 months is safe. Use freezer bags, containers, or food blocks to portion out servings. Thaw in fridge before feeding.

The Take-Away: Organ Meats Are a Vital Part of Your Dog’s Diet

From boosting energy to fighting disease, organ meats offer amazing health benefits for dogs. Liver, kidneys, hearts and more are brimming with essential nutrients not found in muscle meat. Lightly cooked, raw, or dehydrated organ meats can all be fed safely with proper handling. 👍

Add organ meats to your dog’s diet 2-3 times a week for improved health! Just be sure to transition slowly and choose gentle cooking methods when preparing organ meat for dogs. With so many ways to serve it up, there’s no reason your pup can’t enjoy the power of organ meat. 🐶 Check these guys, they have a very good collection of food options.

Have questions about adding organ meats to your dog’s homemade diet? Reach out, and let’s chat more! Scott out for now. Woof woof! 🐶

Woof woof
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